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Phoenix Farhi

My hubby and 3 kids constantly said they wanted a dog, but the time never felt right. I always wanted a Frenchie and to name it Batfink (don't ask haha!). I stumbled upon Phoenix's Facebook page a few years ago and watched from the sidelines.

One of our children is autistic and also has Tourettes, a specialist advised that a dog may help...

Fast forward to March 2022 and Phoenix Farhi's details popped up on my timeline and I decided it was now or never. I submitted my application and was home checked within 2 days, the lady was lovely and we had a laugh.... such a smooth process so far.

D day arrived, and we met up with the road train carrying our soon to be Furbaby. From the second we met her, we all fell in love. Phoenix stayed in touch, and within 3 weeks, we decided her paws were well under the table so we adopted her. Fahri settled in well, even the resident cat tolerates her.

Fahri has with us for a while now. She is a huge part of the family, everyone loves her....even the human grandma. Our lives are so much better with her in our lives and are already looking to expand our fur family.

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