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Welcome to Phoenix French Bulldog Rescue


Phoenix Kissinger

This girl is no dainty little lady, she is the size of a large male and we think she may be part Stafford Bull Terrier due to her size and amazing nose - what a healthy girl she is!  She has an amazing nose and absolutely no health issues at all, she is also neutered.


Kissinger, 2.5 years old, is very dark brindle, almost black, and is very affectionate and loving.  She has a certain penchant for men but does love all humans.  Due to her size we are saying no small humans, so 8-9 years old at least please.  And no cats.


Ideally, she needs a dog-free home - a man with a van who could take her with him all day would be perfect, because she loves travelling and being with her humans.  Or, a home with a calm MALE dog only, who can separate and work with her on overcoming her fears with gradual introductions.  This is new behaviour, not deeply rooted, and founded on fear from recent events.  It can be overcome.


Kissinger is the prettiest and sweetest girl who deserves a home of her very own.

To find out more about this dog and how to apply to adopt please see our Dogs Looking for a New Home page.

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Raising Frenchies
from the Ashes



The Rising
of Phoenix


For a limited time only

Beat the winter chill with Pet Remedy


If your dog would rather stay in the warm you can receive a free Seasonal Party Kit of calming products (worth £28.00) with every purchase of either a Boredom Buster Foraging Kit or a Warming Pad.

Offer only available in the PFBR Shop

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Call: 0300 772 7716

Mon-Fri 8:30AM - 8:30PM

Sat/Sun 9.00AM - 9.00PM


Registered Address: 17 Wellington Road, Shortstown, Bedford MK42 0UT

VAT Registration No: 378169255

© 2017 Phoenix French Bulldog Rescue | Charity No: 1171943

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